Fundraising for
Cystic Fibrosis WA
Welcome to our dedicated fundraising platform where you can join in a host of activities from 65 Roses Day to our challenge events. Your efforts will help us continue to provide support services to families affected by cystic fibrosis in WA.
65 Roses Day
Each year, our community comes together to sell roses across the state raising much needed awareness and funds for people living with cystic fibrosis. This year's 65 Roses Day takes place on Thursday, 22 May 2025.
There are more ways than ever to get involved this year. From volunteering, to selling roses in your community, to ordering a bouquet for a loved one. Find out how to show your support for Western Australians living with cystic fibrosis today.

Why Fundraise?
Cystic Fibrosis WA currently provides vital support services and contributes to critical research for people living with cystic fibrosis.
Our vision of "thriving individuals, families and communities" drives us every day to help those living with the condition to reach their full potential.
When you fundraise for Cystic Fibrosis WA, you'll be helping us in our continued pursuit of a cure and better treatments for all people living with cystic fibrosis.
Discover all the ways to fundraise
Whether you decide to run, swim or cycle 65 km, donate your birthday, host a dinner in red or fundraise your own way, there are countless ways to support Western Australian families living with cystic fibrosis.
My Celebration for CF
Celebrate your birthday or other special occasions by asking for a donation in lieu of a gift.
Physical Challenge for CF
Take on a physical challenge like running, cycling or swimming for cystic fibrosis.
Have a question?
If you would like to chat about fundraising ideas, please give us a call on (08) 6224 4100 or email us at