Almost $7000 raised !
Thankyou so much to all who have donated & supported our fundraiser. Joel & I are almost halfway through or 65kms for 65 roses challenge with 35kms to go & $7000 raised, over double of our original goal.We're raising funds for Cystic Fibrosis
This fundraiser is to support the important work undertaken by CFWA in helping find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis.
Approximately 3500 Australians are affected by CF. Around 1 in 2500 babies are diagnosed with the genetic condition.
2 weeks after our son Reggie was born, we received the call from Perth Children's Hospital confirming that he was part of this statistic. There is currently no cure .
Joel & I will be clocking up 65kms of walking / running over the month of May to try & help raise funds as part of the CFWA 65 roses cause to find a cure. Any donation to our fundraiser will help with this in every way ❤️
Thank you to our Sponsors


Darin & Cindy
Well Done Zoe & Joel, to a great cause for CF our little Reggie...🥰

Zoe Parsons

Kelly Fitzsimmons

Phil Jones
Well done guys

Francine Jacobs
Love to you both and little Reggie - good luck with the “Run for Reg “ XX

The Strother’s

Robynalex Niemack
With love xx

Always happy to help out the lil 🐎 Reggie in anyway Baz and Zoe

Kerry Levis

Spud And Glenda Hurtado
with lots of love

The Slaughter Family

Maureen Graeme

Jude& Reg Senior

Shane & Megan Mallard
Great effort Joel & Zoe lots of love to you guys and lil Reggie

Luke Levis

Storm Lewington
Monitor Pom’s heart rate closely please?

Holly Marsh
We love you Reg! Love Dougy, Hols, Stevie and Jimmy. x

Ebony & Rory O’brien
Sending love and strength to you both & little Reggie 💪🏼💙🌟

Carter & Chuck
Run Forrest Rum for Reg ❤️

The Biggs's

The Duffys

Hayley Dunn

The Dehons
Amazing work guys! Much love to you all xx

Red & Amelia Heath

I am ever so sorry to read this.. Good Luck Zoe and family ❤️ My heart is with you all xx

Danielle Bourke
What a beautiful family 💙 fantastic cause

Kerry Emery
Team Reggie👊🏼

Go ream Reggie

Jess, Aj & Jules

Jo And Vaughan Dethierry
Go Team Reggie

Ben, Jess, Frank And Rocket Xxx
Go team!!!

Sonj Rajkovic
My love to you, Pom and Reg x 🥰

Ebony Maddaford

Kate & Rhys
Go team Reg xx

Jenna Bevan
Love you and am so proud of you x

Dan And Nat Jacobs
Well done guys! Love ya Reg xx

Josh And Jodie

The Burnett’s ?
You have our love and support always x

Ash, Jamen And Boys Xx
Go team!

Emily Stefani
Love Em, Aaron & Sonny x

Gareth Taylor

All for Reggi 🥰

Kerrie, Bronte And Jasper
Great work Zoe and's hoping they can find a cure one day. XXX

Hailey Norris
Love you guys 🌹

Tania Terlick
so happy to contribute to our darling Reggie and this genetic condition that has been sadly overlooked for funding over the years Having worked in I CU at P MH for 10 years i have witnessed the worry

Reggie looks like a strong little guy. All the Love, the Morton’s xx

The Churchill Clan

Buzz Parsons

Lisa Finch

Mathew&mia Howard
Reg ❤

Gina Couanis
My love and hugs to you all for fundraising for beautiful Reggie🤗❤️🥰

Janine Moldowan

Delma Coulson

Vicki And Peter Long
All the best to you both - may your efforts help little Reggie

Sally Lynch

Kerry Hill And Michael Bark
Love to you guys - heart goes out to you all especially Reg ❤️

Tim Hannan

Julz & Chris Wallman

Taryn And Nathan Bird
Happy to support such a worthy cause and beautiful family

Nikki Pozzari

Kelsey Fitzpatrick

Robert And Robyn Nelson

Rebecca Thompson
Love to you guys!!

Emms Mitchell

Mick And Meg Sharman

John And Tanya

Emma - Marge’s Scott

Liz Rhodes
Good luck!

Kristy Bourke

Caitlin Burghall



Nighthawk Chloe
Zoe you are super mum and anything we can do to support we will 💕

Linda Owen
Love and best wishes always xxx

Susan Giles
All the best for the fundraising and wish you, Joel and Reggie all the strength and support for the journey ahead.


Katie Elliott
Reggie you have already brought so much joy to your parents’ lives! You won’t let this condition get in your way. Well done Zoe & Joel ❤️❤️❤️

Janelle Bruzzese

Skyla, Mase And Forest
All our Love and support always. You are a little legend Reggie x

Simon Minton

Jesse Mcginn
Amazing — well done team Reg! Sending you lots of love ❤️

Marli Parker
Go Team Reggie! Lots of love to all xxx

Jacqui Andrée
So sorry to hear Reggie has this terrible disease. Good on you guys! 💕💕💕

How lucky is Reg to have advocates like you!!


Go team!!

Jill Smith
You got this family 💜💜


Abby Duncan
Love Abby xxx

Mel Pollock
Go Little Reggy! You're awesome!
So happy to support your journey and your little Reggie 💙💙 xx